Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dr. Arnold Gives Back!

Our Orthodontist held his customer appreciation day the same night as Desiree's reception... so after visiting with the Crystals, we were off... back down to the Lindon Aquatic Center for more fun! Here is Dr. Arnold in the Dunk Tank!
He was letting all of his patients "have at him!"
We may have had a stow-a-way or two with us for the we all went and partied!
Christian tries the flow-rider/surfing machine!
Looking good!
He made it on his knees to knee-board!
Dr. Arnold went for the water-ski!
The waves were pretty powerful!
Cameron's turn!
Doing great!
The surf kept sweeping the kids to the edge though!
Mikelle getting her instructions...
Whoa! The "riptide" sweeps her up immediately!
She gets another chance!
Way to rock it Dell!
We had a great time and fit so much in to 1-2 hours!:) Thanks Dr. Arnold! Hopefully the $20,000 in braces we will be spending over the next several years will help pay for the party!:)

1 comment:

Toni said...

Super fun. Braces are not something I'm looking forward to paying for.