Friday, January 30, 2009

Gentlemen, start your engines!

The boys getting ready to get their head in the game...
Tuesday night's pack meeting was the Pinewood Derby! It was our first go at the whole experience and I have to say that it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be! The boys worked hard on their cars (sanding and painting them). After a little graphite treatment on the wheels, they were good to go.
Brother Jonas from 10th ward was so awesome to come and run the "show" for our ward with the laptop/computerized timing, racing order, match-ups, placement etc. Here is Christian checking in...
Cameron also makes sure he is registered correctly!
The Higbees doing little last minute adjustments after weighing in.
The crowds went wild when their car did well!
The scouts voted on their favorite car (couldn't vote for their own) and of course in this neck of the woods, Oakley's BYU car came away with the highest honor for "favorite!"
Brennan came away with top honors for the night (hands down!) His car ran the track in just over 3 seconds. Thank goodness for the computerized results--down to the thousandth of a second! People were jesting with them, demanding a "re-weigh" after the race but we all sucked up the fact that we didn't win and let them go this time:) Check out the sleek design and aerodynamics!
Cameron walked away with 2nd place favorite car and also won 2nd place in his Wolf den!
Christian's car won the first race he ran (they ran each car like 4 times) and then was so disappointed that some apparent wheel trouble (discovered later) may have inhibited his car:) He is a fierce competitor and was bummed out! It was a fun night and brings out the friendly competition in everyone!!


grandma gus said...

WOW......somebody's household has been pretty dang busy the last little while. There must be smoke comin' from the rooftops and rafters with all that energy and brain power at work!!!!EXCELLENT!!! Great job, down at the Dimond MINE!!!!

Toni said...

Great cars. I will have to ask for pointers once Kyle is old enough for cub scouts.

Lenice said...

We love the Pinewood Derby. It is so much fun for the dads, I mean the boys.