Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Draper Temple Open House

This past Saturday, all of the Gus's were able to go see the new Draper Temple before it is dedicated. I loved it and thought it was beautiful! We will be making a few trips up that way in the future! This is the "reception" area after you see the temple. Thank goodness for the cookies and water bottles they provided as we were all starving:)
Our little family.
The temple has limited parking and so they shuttle you in. Of course I had to steal little Aidan as nobody can get enough of this guy! We were all shocked to see him blonde! His hair has changed since our last get-together! He is the sweetest little guy!
Gus's together...you know there are going to be pictures (except all of the ones I had to delete as they were way too blurry--I really need to get new batteries or a new camera:)?

Ju-lay refusing the photo-op!
Matt and Kimi welcoming the invite to smooch for the picture:) We went at 4:00 p.m. so we had a little west sun exposure going on!
Pop & Mee-kewl (as Kennedy would say).
Grandma was on crutches and we pushed her in a wheelchair through the temple as she was recovering from a foot fracture/injury...OUCH!
Grandpa, Tanner, & Christian ready to re-board the buses to get back for the dinner and b-day celebration at G&G Gus's house! It was so fun to share this experience as we never know how long we all have on this earth together! Being in the sealing room was emotional for me as I want my parents to be there when my kids get married but we just never know the Lord's plan and timing of everything! We love being in each other's company and hearing each other's take on things. Whether it be funny (like Alex saying look at that Hot Tub--while checking out the baptismal font), or serious (like having my Dad tell us he has "low batteries" in his pacemaker/defibrillator, but not to worry:), we cherish every loud and quiet moment together!
Out of all of the thousands of visitors to the temple and all of the different days/weeks/months it is open, I thought it was so wild that my friend and co-worker Melissa was there at the exact same time as we were! She is not a member yet, but she says her church is closing (Sconecutter is closing on Sundays now I guess:). Hopefully she felt the spirit there and will join the church and have her sweet little Avery sealed to her and her hubby forever! We love the blessings of the temple!


Toni said...

That is so neat that the whole family got to go together.

Lenice said...

What a great outing for the whole fam.

Melanie said...

That's so neat!

Annissa said...

I was wondering who would get their post, of the temple, out first! Good job!

Bekah said...

So here's my big question, since we didn't get to drive close to the temple when we were there in Oct.: Is the Draper Temple the same design as the Timpanogos Temple, or are they different?

You are so lucky to have temples nearby. Ours is so dinky and we have to drive over an hour. Oh well, at least we have one.