Saturday, August 29, 2009

Throwndown Part II (July)

Taking Kennedy for a spin on the driveway is one way we spend our summer nights!
The neighbors got the cutest dog and all the kids are so jealous! They love to chase her on the lawn! Too bad Steve is "allergic" to dogs and I am "allergic" to getting up in the night with anyone else other than direct descendants!
The Porters actually came down for a few days in June-but for some reason I had July on the brain! It was so fun to have them play in our neck of the woods and get to know everyone even better!
The slip-n-slide and water fights are now an annual activity when they come!

Steve & Annalee plus eight:)
Fun with the cousins!
Annual Cedar Hills day at the Orem Owlz game.

Cameron's karate school was in the Cedar Hills Parade.
He had fun being a part of it!
It pays to know people in high places:) Lots-o-candy!
Steve took a turn staking out our shady spot!
Dividing up the loot once we returned home!
Heading down to the church for the annual 4th of July breakfast and kid's parade.
The kids weren't too excited to hear that they would be throwing candy to the parents this year as they paraded by!
Pool party at the neighbors on the 4th!
The swimming was so nice! They keep their pool at a perfect temp!
They picked the perfect lot for a beautiful view that also backs up to the city park!
Hubbies all on BBQ duty...
After the pool, it was time for..."Cul-de-sac of FIRE!"
The July holidays were pretty fun this year except I had to work on the 24th and Steve got rear-ended that day as well. Not happy Bob!
Steve also helped with the ward party at the park on the 24th, manning the slip-n-slide!
All the kids loved it!
We also had tons of fun at Kimi's parents' pool!
She is so great to help the kids learn more techniques and tricks!
Everyone was getting hungry...
Thanks for letting us come Kimi & Matt!
Our ward surprised fellow ward members with a service project one weekend. We went after hours to clean, paint and fix things! My "gals" wouldn't look for the picture, but it was fun to wash walls, lights, and benches with them until the wee hours of the morning. We cranked up the jukebox and went to town scrubbing away!
Of course leave it to Steve to find (and sew edges down) of vinyl strips (that matched the restaurant color scheme). He then was able to tack/staple and glue them down on the benches that had holes. He is amazing! The family was so surprised when they saw everything Monday morning! So many people had such a good experience helping out!
Dimond get-together at Joe/Wendy's!
Although the Beehives weren't old enough to participate, a lot of us traveled to Cascade Springs to welcome back the "trek-goers."
Two members of our YW Presidency served as "Ma's & Pa's." Here is our 1st Counselor rolling in very first out of all the companies! They are so hard-core! The husband is the only one I have talked to that said he didn't think the course was hard enough:) (Everyone else had blisters and thought is was an extremely hard experience)!
The Stake YW Presidency (minus one).
Here is our YW Secretary with their "family." They all did great and had such a wonderful and growing experience despite flooded tents, rocky trails and other challenges!
Even though we didn't experience first hand what the trek-people (and pioneers for that matter) went through, it was emotional for everyone as we watched these families roll in knowing what they must have gone through for 2-3 days. (The weather had been so hot and then rain had poured down one of the days at least). This particular family had an extra experience of pushing the extra cart with a young man who normally drives his wheelchair. It was so touching to see them finishing their journey!
Time to head home!
There was one full week between trek and when we headed off to girl's camp! It was busy for those who were old enough to do both.
I originally thought we might be in for a long week when we found out girls camp was Monday-Friday, but it actually "zipped" by pretty quickly:)
The girl's had a great time working together on the confidence courses. Our theme was "Hold Your Torch High/Finish the Race." There was so much to prepare for that Steve helped me by sewing a casing in the material to hang the YW flags!
Mikelle and Lacey trying to complete one of the confidence course challenges...
There was no arguing, contention or drama! It was a wonderful camp!
The Hunters let us borrow cots for the week! Between the cots and the access to the shower every morning...I could survive for weeks if necessary!
Along with the RS President who volunteered to be a camp cook, The Hunters were amazing with the food. They had a full "Cabella's kitchen" set up! It was so nice!
One of the highlights of camp was our "virtue hike" where we hiked up to Silver Lake (above the reservoir) and did as the General YW Presidency did...waving their gold banner to the world, declaring a return to virtue!
Each group took their turn on the highest rock declaring to live a life of virtue!
After eating our sack luches at the top and a few people jumping in the lake (as it was so hot that day), we headed back down the trail! It was very beautiful! You would not even know there was a lake up there as there is no way to drive to it etc. Everyone was glad they gathered their strength to finish the hike and make it to the beautiful lake! Well worth the effort!
I was in charge of the 6:30 exercise each morning to get everyone moving. Some days were easier than others to get the girls awake and pumped up! I made up a little army call to chant on the way over to the field which was fun for a day or two..."I don't know but I've been told..."
I was also the camp nurse for the week. There were more injuries than I anticipated. It was tough to try and be in charge of activities and be ready to drive places etc when I was also needed as the nurse. We are having a separate camp nurse next year!
At least I knew all of my patients!:)
One of my fellow Beehive advisers and I were so nervous for our night to present the fireside! It actually turned out perfect with the Beehives going first with their skits and finishing after we spoke with the Jenny Phillips song "Firm in the Faith."
Every leader (and YCL-Youth Camp Leader) did so much to make this the best girl's camp ever!
The spiritual activities were mixed in with fun activites like the zip line!
Every class did such a great job on their night to present skits!
It was so fun to be with Mikelle for her first year at camp!
One of the small hikes leading into the nature observation activity.
Then off to the lake for canoeing etc!
It was so beautiful up there! Brandy threatened to tip our canoe over for fun. It would have felt good in a way since it was such a hot day but the water was freezing and I am not the best swimmer--so we talked her out of it this year!
In spite of the cold water, the girls still had a ball going under to cool off!
Every day at 4:00 p.m. was personal scripture study. We brought the newly added inserts for the virtue requirements. Everyone was able to work on and mostly finish which was great!
Our bishop is so supportive of the youth! The bishopric brought pizza Thursday night so none of us had to cook!
Games with the bishopric...
The bishopric and priesthood pulled off an impromptu skit with only costumes provided! They were hilarious!
Some of the priesthood even busted out their secret talent moves! It was great!
Savannah (our resident actress) kept us all laughing so hard with her Nacho Libre impressions!
After more fun, the night ended with the much anticipated "FAITH WALK!"
You would probably have to personally experience the faith walk to understand the spirit that was there but every YCL was dressed in white and put in groups of 3-4. We would go to their different "stations" and hear each of them individually and powerfully testify of a principle they knew to be true. Most of them focused their thoughts on the Savior. It was very spiritual and powerful for everyone listening.
Girls' Camp 2009 was the best thanks to EVERYONE!


Jennie said...

Another great throw down. I missed YW's so much when I was reading about all of your summer activities. It sounds like the girls had a powerful summer and their testimonies were strengthened. YW's is a demanding calling. There is always something to plan for around the corner and you are constantly trying to be a good example for the girls and teach them about the proper paths. The teenage years are so tumultuous. They can be lost over just a short time or based on friendships. You are doing a marvelous job in your calling and you are a beacon of light for them to follow. They are so lucky to have you in their lives.

Toni said...

Such a busy month. It looks like Youth Conference and Girls camp were a success.

Cami said...

Looks like lots of summer pool fun. And you are a trooper to do girls camp - it looks like lots of work. And to be up leading the exercise everyday at 6:30 - wow! But that is so neat that you could be there for Mikelle's first year. I love the pose on the zip line.