These last few weeks have been "weird" for me... I think it has been a combination of non-stop obligations and needs, burn-out, and a touch of Seasonal Affective Disorder starting, mixed with an overload of Halloween candy (that needs to vacate our house immediately:)! No matter what it has been, today was amazing as we attended the funeral of Steve's former neighbor in Orem (Kathryn Robinson). (He did a beautiful job singing 2 songs on the program: "You Raise Me Up," and "I Believe"). She was only in her mid-fifties and died suddenly last week from a tear in her aorta! She had just retired LAST WEEK after working 23 years at the Midvale post-office. (Talk about NOT FAIR:)! As I sat and listened to her family recount all of the memories with her, it put my own life and trials in perspective very quickly about how brief this mortal existence really is and how each of us need to really live each day as if it were our last (as one of these days, it will be)! I thought of how I haven't wanted to do things this last week (like a midnight work shift or prepare a lesson) and then thought of her and what she would probably give to be back for a little more time here with her loved ones. Anywho, the afternoon was spent preparing/setting-up for our YW in Excellence program which was a spiritual high tonight (with the talks, music, & video presentation). Mikelle spoke on the value "Choice & Accountability" and even used one of Aunt Annissa's phrases in her talk about "we all make our choices:)." We have such WONDERFUL YW in our ward! It was a wonderful "re-grouping" day for me to strive to do better, try harder, and most of all...ENJOY TODAY!
I'm sorry you all lost a friend. Sometimes it's easy to forget to appreciate each day.
Loved your post! I try to think about that a lot when I am just done with my kiddos. I think you do a fantastic job of making the most of each day. I honestly don't know how you could do any more than you already do. I think you at excel at everything plus you have that dang happy spirit, unlimited energy that I just covet. :) I love ya.
Girl, I just love you! I absolutely agree...you SHOULD work more midnight shifts with me!!! Really, isn't it amazing how fast we snap back into focusing on the important things when something like a friend passing away happens? It's a bit of a tender mercy, I think, that we get the opportunity to glimpse how important it is to live each day to the fullest :) Love ya
Bravo- You are amazing!
Great post! I have been working on changing my perspective the last couple weeks. It's so hard. This was a good reminder.
I saw her obit in the paper and thought the same thing.....how sad is that, not to even enjoy your retirement after all of those working years. I can hear Steve's beautiful voice in my ear right now...I am sure he was sensational
.....on those two great songs.
I also say....it is a shame to miss a good funeral, as usual, the messages spoken there go right to the heart and to the jugler also!! It usually is an uplifting experience!
Love the beautiful flowers too!
Thanks for the great reminder. sure love ya and hope you are doing well. See you and Mikelle tues!
Thanks for your post Annalee.
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