Sunday, November 1, 2009

Semi-Annual Scrapbook Weekend

The end of September brought our Gus girls' weekend. It is always so fun to get away and catch up in more detail with each other.
Of course we had to "dig in to" the weekend with brownies!
Since we knew we would be taking a lot of pictures this weekend, Julie gave a quick inservice on posing like the stars do!
She also shows us how to do the "psycho stab into the brownies without sporting a double chin" look:). She keeps us laughing all weekend!
Kimi could not join us the first night but did a great job scoring the sweet Marriott rooms!
Annissa was unable to attend as she was ready to give birth to #5!!
So fun we can all let down for a few days!
Speaking of taking pictures...we were trying for a good 5-10 minutes to get a pic of the sissies we all liked...
We would keep saying, "let's just try one more."
We were laughing so hard that is was tricky to try and snap the pictures in between our outbursts:)
Finally Julie had had enough and spontaneously jumped on our backs for a girls' gone wild pic! You would have to have been there but we were dying of laughter that night!
We can spend HOURS just talking together in the hotel rooms.
We try to pull ourselves together to at least go out to eat once or twice!
Cami and me always team up on the partner dinner deals!
It was fun to catch up with Mom!
Cami was a trooper to endure an injured leg!
We all used to actually scrapbook at SBW but Kimi was it this time. She was also SO awesome to help me with my YW board meeting bags; cutting out letters and magnifying glasses on her cricut sp? machine! Thanks KIMI!
I had my Sees gift certificate left over from either last SBW or Mother's Day, so of course had to go pick up the chocolates!
We finally made it to the pool and hot tub on the last night! Thanks for a great weekend girls!


Lenice said...

What a blast!

mama fish said...

You got some good ones of me...I will have to return the favor sometime after you promised, no posting! Oh was fun!

grandma gus said...

THANKS THANKS AGAIN!!!!!! it was such a great fun time away, with all of you..........HILARIOUS!!!!