Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day Pop 2008

In honor of our wonderful husband/father/Pop, we have to post either on time or early since this is one father who is never late! We appreciate his fine example and leadership in our family and we want to wish him the best on his special day!!

Our blog will only let us post 5 pictures at a time, so just a head's up that our Pop will be a trilogy! We love so many things about him; it was hard to narrow our picture choices!

Some of his best qualities are that he is a hard worker and does a great job providing for us. He never calls in sick (even when his secretaries would prefer that he did so they don't catch anything:). He is a righteous man, always honoring his Priesthood. He never makes excuses or misses meetings. He follows his own rule of "being in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing." He is a tough customer on discipline and potty training but is also the most loving and caring Dad you will ever meet.

He also has a lighter side which includes cracking the kids up with his different voices, impressions, and funny character drawings. He is very talented and shares his voice in many ways and places.

We love you! Thanks for all you do for us! Happy Fathers Day!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

We agree! We think you are an awesome dad and we hope you have a great Father's Day.