Monday, August 18, 2008

Meet the Cast!

We have loved going to the "shows" each time we go to Lagoon. Our favorite cast/show is Broadway Rhythm. At the beginning of the season, one of the performers was giving Kennedy major attention; little winks and waves and she just ate it up! We saw their names on their pictures at the entrance and from that moment on, she wanted to go see "John" in the show!
They do a great job with their vocals, costumes and energy!
On our last Lagoon visit for the season, we asked if we could get John's autograph. After the show, several cast members came out and met with us. They are all darling. We had taken a picture of John's picture and brought it with us for him to sign. Kennedy was in heaven!
I'm sure he thought we were stalking him after Kennedy was sitting on the front row holding his picture through the performance but he was very gracious.
Kennedy will long remember this attention! She told me later at home that John "signed her off and gave her two hugs!" (cute..signed off meaning got his autograph:)
Songs from Hairspray.
Singing "Be Our Guest."
John's performance "I Can Do That" where he does an awesome tap number--even going up and sliding across some of the stage on his toes several times! Ouch! He did tell me that the shoes are getting worn out from doing that all season-so they aren't as much support.
Our favorite girl to watch was Samantha. We loved her number from Wicked and we think she should marry the guy she sings it with!
The boys don't quite share in our Broadway enthusiasm, but at least they are exposed to the arts in between riding Colossus! We had a great summer here!

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