Sunday, August 17, 2008

Work Hard...Play Hard

We haven't posted for 3 weeks! We have been hard at work and hard at play! If there is one thing as a Mom that I can teach our kids, it would be: learn how to work hard! I have a sister I visit teach who told us about a ward she was in where lots of boys were sent home from their missions because they couldn't hack it. They never had to work (around the house or elsewhere) and when it was time to actually have to lift a finger on their missions, they didn't know how!

Needless to say, when Mikelle had one of her first babysitting offers this weekend, I was beside myself with joy knowing that she was going to get some good experience and learn even more responsibility. She took her new babysitting kit and had a great time. I'm sure she did a great job. She is such a big help to me with the kids! I was so proud of her for taking the opportunity (had to sacrifice not being with her friends that night) that I made her favorite treat; chocolate covered strawberries! Way to go Mikelle!
Kennedy is also such a "big helper" at home and wanted to dip a plate of strawberries for herself!
The boys sure know how to play hard and relax after getting their jobs done! As long as work gets done first, I let them "go wild" afterward!:)
All we want and expect is for the kids to try their best at whatever they do!
Steve has been awesome at getting the kids involved with the yardwork! The boys are almost ready to mow the lawn by themselves!
Kennedy models with the hoe in between cleaning up the flower beds!
Great workers!
Kennedy giving it her all on her workout!
We know that all work and no play makes for a dull boy--so we try to combine the two to make work fun!!

1 comment:

Crazy Lees said...

WOW! You sure know how to finish up the summer. What an adorable family! I lvoe your picture and you did look fab!