Friday, August 1, 2008

Our Little Steffi All Grown up at Miss United Nations!

I have got to learn how to post the pictures in order-but anywho, on Sat. July 26, Mikelle and me went up to Kingbury Hall in SLC to watch our niece Stefani compete in the Miss UN Pageant.
She looked gorgeous in her watermelon evening gown. There were gals there from all over the world. She made alot of great new friends and especially hit it off with the delegation from Singapore.
Joe and Wendy with Stef! Great parents and a great support through all of her many pageants and activities!
After all of the phases of competition, there must have been a doozie of a tie as they stalled for about AN HOUR to try and come up with results/winners!! One of the judges also served as some of the entertainment. I have heard of her (Jessie Clark Funk) but don't think I have heard her sing etc before. She was really good although I didn't buy one of her CD's during the intermissions! She was great trying to help stall--she called gentlemen from the audience to learn a quick dance routine and then had a "dance-off." Of course the guy who was "kickin" didn't win as they were trying to be funny about it.
FINALLY they were ready to announce the winners! It was a MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT, not only as Steffi wasn't picked as the winner, but that the winners were all of the gals who won last year! That is lame to me to have more than a one year reign! What made it more rediculous was that it took that long to decide that the winners were all repeats! That is fine to be able to enter the pageant again...but why?? You have already won and done your time, served others etc.! Why not give others the chance and have a fresh face on the job etc.? Needless to say, everyone was bummed even though nobody could say or show it there!
We are so proud of her anyway! She is a beautiful young lady who is so talented, kind, and has so much to offer!!
I guess one age group did have a new queen. This was the "Elite" (over age 50) group. The out-going queen (who did not compete again) reminded me a little of Cruella, but did a fabulous job when she spoke of the service they were able to give at a local hospital etc. She explained how women her age still have a lot of heart to give and they are not too old to accomplish dreams etc. She was darling! The lady who won the Elite was from CA and you have got to hand it to her for looking barbie hot! In fact, all of the 50+ gals looked great! Good inspiration!
Here is Stef introducing herself at the start of the pageant. She would have looked too good out on the plains!!
Steffi in physical fitness! They all had to wear the same outfit which I thought was good.
Although it is blurry, "Here She Is" in sportwear. I thought she looked like a young Christie Brinkley. What a doll! Great Job Stefani!! We are so proud!

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