Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Gonna Be a Remember...

Earlier in the year when we heard that High School Musical 3 was coming to theaters on October 24, we had that baby on the calendar for opening night! Can I just say that it was so good! I think I liked it as much as Mikelle and her cousin Stefani!
Even though we all had our tickets a day in advance, the line to get in the theater formed at least 2 hours early. We were barely able to find seats OK! (Thank goodness back-row instead of front-row).

I guess trying to be cool and color co-ordinating with the "Wilcats" is "out of style" but I noticed I wasn't the only Mom there that tried!

We all loved "The Boys are Back" song and it reminded me of the Michael Jackson Thriller beat and dance from "back in the day." Of course we have the whole CD practically memorized and sing lines from it to each other everyday! I think everyone who watches the movie identifies with one or more characters in the movie and it brings back the "fun" high school memories. For me, you have got to love Martha--(a little on the "muscle" side for a cheerleader)--(I think I just had bigger organs than other cheerleaders:) but she had so much fun and personality and loved every second of the moment! Once you have experienced being down there on the floor or the field with that drum line going-it's an unexplanable exhilaration that never quite leaves you! Anywho... W...-I-L-D Wilcats!!

We saw Coach Bolton on Good Things Utah who said there was a script for a fourth movie--but we don't think they could top this one. They might want to end while they are ahead! We want to go to East High on one of their daily tours? to hear more about the filming etc. We'll have to look into it I guess! For now we will just keep singing and dancing to the songs (Mikelle is hilarious with her Gabriella impression--brushing walls and door jams as she walks by them and always looking up or down when she sings). (Even though it is totally out of my vocal range, I sing and make Steve waltz with me to I think it's called Can I have this Dance?:) We are out of control!:)


Kimi said...

Looks fun! Annalee you are lookin' awesome! Way to go miss skinny!

Cami said...

You are a fun mom, AnnaLee. Let me know when you take the tour - that sounds fun - maybe we'll join you.

Toni said...

I've never seen any of the movies, but it looks like they're fun!