Friday, November 14, 2008

Let 'er Rip!!

The boys have been DILIGENT in saving their money for almost a year. They have been wanting to purchase an Xbox 360. Mom & Dad refuse to buy it and have always told them they have to buy it themselves because we don't want to have to try and tear them away from that in order to get their jobs, homework and piano done:) They have mowed Grandma & Grandpa's lawn, babysat for an hour here or there, done jobs and saved every ounce of b-day and other money. After their birthday, they realized they would have to save for another whole year. They met with their financial adviser (Mikelle) and I think she helped guide them in their decision to buy Rip Stiks instead:)
If you don't know what the "big deal" is about Rip Stiks, by design, I guess they give you the feel of a skateboard/snowboard/surfboard all in one. The boys have not regretted their decision and have had lots of fun practicing in the driveway.

They are a little tricky at first but Mikelle was there to help them through!

They are getting it down!

Congrats on your purchase boys! It is fun to watch you on them!


Jennie said...

Way to go dudes! It is hard to save money. You guys did well! Have fun on the boards and remember to wear your trusty safety equipment!

mama fish said...

Those look fun, but a little tricky! Hopefully no injuries will come about.;) Congats again on your big day boys-we are so proud of you!

Toni said...

It's amazing how things change when kids have to use their own money to buy something. I hope the boys enjoy their new boards.

Emily said...

Way fun! I love mine and ride it daily. It is hard at first and then you get TOTALLY used to it! Good luck! -Emily

Cami said...

Alex wants one of those boards - but I told him he has to be older like the boys. Mikelle is such a great little helper.