Wednesday, September 3, 2008

High-yah, Jump, Flip, Twist!

The kids have officially started their activities. I am trying to do one musical and one physical activity each to help them develop talents and interests. Cameron wanted to do Karate and he is looking good!
To see if the kids are going to like Karate, the place gives them 2 private lessons and a uniform for $9.95. They seal the deal with the "board breaking" on the 2nd lesson. Who couldn't resist signing up after you break a board! I have to admit-it looks so cool. Cameron is such an awesome son. We know he is going to enjoy this! Kennedy just started her gymnastics class! Of course the first day is kind of hard with a new environment and being around new kids but after Kenz is in a situation once, she is a pro! Can't wait for her next lesson!
She had a fun time trying out the equipment and making new friends!
Mikelle back at it on the tramp. She has a great time there and it is a great little workout!

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