Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ward Campout (Indoor style)

The weekend of school starting, our ward held its first annual ward campout at Mutual Dell (just up AF Canyon). Steve has made it known in every planning meeting that he is pretty much a "Marriott camper only." Although camping is a pain to get everything ready and packed and then you usually don't sleep well, we at least went through the motions. We set up the tent in the backyard earlier in the day. We were headed out the door to join the ward for the after dinner dessert together, but our neighbor had just been up the canyon and said don't even bother--it was so crazy up the canyon with like 2-3 other wards/groups up there as well and no place to park or even turn around etc. We ended up doing smores in our own firepit etc.
Steve and the EQ Presidency was in charge of breakfast the next morning, so we cracked 15 dozen eggs and Steve did all the prep (until midnight for the breakfast). He was up at 4:00 a.m. to put everything in the big roaster oven to cook and then headed up the canyon at 6:00 a.m. We joined everyone by 8:00 a.m. and then joined in the games from 9-11:00. It was a fun weekend, just a little taxing with kids that weren't feeling their best (noses, cough etc). Maybe we'll bust out and get a "family size tent" someday!

1 comment:

Cami said...

That makes me tired just reading it!