Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A "Late Bloomer Homemaker!"

Our ward and stake have been focusing a lot lately on food storage and preparedness. I have wanted to make homemade bread for years but didn't dare because I didn't have the patience and didn't want to fail. Now that bread is sometimes $2-3 a loaf, and the stake had a "no-fail" recipe from an awesome lady in our stake, I decided to try. It turned out great! We now have homemade bread every week. You can also use the dough to make rolls, buns, pizzza crust etc. Now I just need to break out my wheat and wheat grinder and make it whole wheat!! This will be so awesome with soup on those cold winter evenings! Thanks to Jeannie Dayton and Mindy Spencer in our stake for taking the time to teach the rest of us!


Jennie said...

You need to post your bread recipe. I think my family would be shocked if bread I made turned out.

Emily said...

Hey, that is the same recipe I love to use to make bread. I took that class from Jeannie and Mindy when I lived with my parents (they all live in the same ward!) It really is no fail, and I use it to make everything. My favorite is Cinnamon Rolls!

Cami said...

I second your need to post the recipe. Looks yummy!